Foreign Exits and Re-location on a Rugged Performance Landscape: A Theoretical Perspective

Michael Wolfesberger, Jonas F. Puck, Thomas Lindner

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review


Foreign divestments and relocations are a central topic in the management of a multinational company, but interestingly received relatively less attention in research than its growth counterpart. While there is a growing body of literature on the topic, there are still many issues that deserve further investigation. We provide a bibliometric analysis of the broad literature in this field, structurally summarize the main findings, and identify a research direction that warrants further attention. Based on this, we draw on research on rugged performance landscapes and propose a theoretical angle that can help advance our knowledge of foreign divestments and relocations. We highlight the interdependent nature of the company's international portfolio of locations and argue how complexity in this configuration can hinder an effective adaption process. We further discuss factors that influence this search and adaption process.
TitelResearch Handbook on Foreign Exit, Relocation and Re-entry : Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Evidence
RedaktørerJorma Larimo, Pratik Arte, Carlos Sousa, Pervez Ghauri, José Mata
Antal sider24
ForlagEdward Elgar Publishing
ISBN (Trykt)9781800887138
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781800887145
StatusUdgivet - 2022
NavnResearch Handbooks in Business and Management
