Facilitating Value Co-Creation: Gaining a Competitive Advantage Through Differentiation

Anne Veith, Albert Assaf, Alexander Josiassen

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review


As a result of the current business environment, rise of technology, increasing globalization, etc., companies are therefore focusing on finding ways to differentiate themselves. Differentiation is therefore essential and co-creation is a core differentiation base. Vargo and Lusch (2004, 2006, 2008) introduced a new dominant logic in the marketing literature, the Service-Dominant Logic (S-D Logic), in which service, interactions, and enhanced experiences help create value, and this potential for value is what attracts consumers. Therefore organizations must be customer-centric in order to facilitate unique, positive experiences. As the name indicates, both organizations and consumers (should) obtain value when co-creating, which is why both parties are willing to increase their degree of involvement, e.g. spending more resources, sharing tacit knowledge, etc., because a high degree of involvement will also lead to a high rewards. According to postmodern consumerism theory, consumers are intrinsically motivated to participate (Arnould et al., 2006; Borghini & Caru, 2008; Etgar, 2008; Fisher & Smith, 2011), but may also be extrinsic motivated by, for instance, appraisal and 'autonomy' (Etgar, 2008). Therefore, for instance, being part of the process is a key incentive for consumers. Postmodern consumers' search for unique experiences calls for individualization, personalization, etc. Although Prahalad & Ramaswamy (2004), Karpen et al. (2008), and Karpen et al. (2011) have presented S-D Logic as a middle range theory it is still difficult for organizations to operationalize their co-creation efforts. This paper argues that postmodern consumerism can be used to guide the operationalization of the co-creation process by identifying the key facilitators of co-creation for the postmodern consumer. Through an exploratory qualitative study, 9 facilitators for B2C value co-creation were uncovered. The study was set in the creative industries. The 9 facilitators are a combination of the main facilitators found in the literature review and the ones found through the empirical research. The 9 facilitators are individuated offering; accessibility; engage and enable; incentives segmentation; change acceptance, sharing, and learning; manageable implementation for organizations; project-based organization; C2C interactions; keep control. Each facilitator is detailed in the paper and implications for practice are discussed.
TitelProceedings of the International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance
RedaktørerVincent Ribiere, Lugkana Worasinchai
ForlagAcademic Conferences and Publishing International
ISBN (Trykt)9781909507005
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781909507012
StatusUdgivet - 2013
BegivenhedThe 1st International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance (ICMLG 2013) - The Institute for Knowledge and Innovation Southeast Asia (IKI-SEA), Bangkok University, Bangkok, Thailand
Varighed: 7 feb. 20138 feb. 2013
Konferencens nummer: 1


KonferenceThe 1st International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance (ICMLG 2013)
LokationThe Institute for Knowledge and Innovation Southeast Asia (IKI-SEA), Bangkok University


  • SD Logic
  • Qualitative research
  • Co-creation
  • Post-modern consumer
