Exporting to Russia? Entry Barriers for Food Suppliers in a Territory in Transition

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    This article draws on extensive fieldwork conducted in Central Asia to explore food exports to Russia. It takes its theoretical starting point in global value chain theory and pinpoints chain entry barriers relating to financing, transportation and standards. The article also proposes rethinking the aspects of territoriality and institutional context, and suggests their integration into one concept, or rather a process of contextualizing territories. In doing so, the article argues for a methodology that not only examines current events, but also captures change as particularly important in what we term the territory in transition examined here.
    TidsskriftJournal of Economic Geography
    Udgave nummer4
    Sider (fra-til)831-847
    Antal sider17
    StatusUdgivet - jul. 2016


    • Global value chain governance
    • Territories in transition
    • Russian retail
    • Central Asia
