Exploring Everyday Resilience in the Creative Industries through Devised Theatre: A Case of Performing Arts Students and Recent Graduates in Ghana

Rashida Resario*, Robin Steedman, Thilde Langevang

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

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The concept of resilience has become widely used to account for how people respond both to acute crisis and, increasingly, to protracted precarity. Yet, cultural studies theorists have also vigorously critiqued resilience discourse as a tool of neoliberal governmentality. In this article, we turn from the discourse of resilience to the practice of resilience. We argue, through a case of theatre students and recent graduates in Ghana, that the practice of resilience can be both individual and collective. Moreover, we show that resilience practices involve the exercise of agency at various scales through the specific practices of coping, reworking, and resisting. Finally, we show the merits of using artistic research methods, such as devised theatre, to unveil the complex ways that creatives practice resilience in the everyday.
TidsskriftInternational Journal of Cultural Studies
Udgave nummer3
Sider (fra-til)237-256
Antal sider20
StatusUdgivet - maj 2023

Bibliografisk note

Published online: 11 February 2023.


  • Artistic research methods
  • Creative industries
  • Devised theatre
  • Everyday resilience
  • Ghana
  • Theatre
  • Performing arts students
  • Resilience
