Economic Nationalism and Internationalization of Services: Review and Research Agenda

Hussain G. Rammala*, Elizabeth L. Rose, Pervez N. Ghauri, Peter D. Ørberg Jensen, Matthias Kipping, Bent Petersen, Moira Scerri

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The world is witnessing a growth in economic nationalism, especially in countries like the United States and United Kingdom, where this would scarcely have been predicted a few years ago. These developments threaten the internationalization of services and gains made through various global trading arrangements. Moreover, there are concerns that the COVID-19 pandemic will further undermine supranational forms of governance and nurture the trend towards protectionism and economic nationalism. We undertake a systemic literature review on economic nationalism and services internationalization to identify research themes. The findings of the study have implications for policymakers, and we provide directions for future research.
TidsskriftJournal of World Business
Udgave nummer3
Antal sider13
StatusUdgivet - apr. 2022


  • Economic nationalism
  • Service
  • Internationalization
  • Systematic literature review
  • GATS
  • Trade in services
