Digitalization in Supply Chain Management: A Literature-based Explorative Research of Strategic Opportunities and Challenges of Digitalization for a Supply Chain Management

Alexa Wagner, Victor Naumann*, Günter Prockl, Alexander Pflaum

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

Publikation: KonferencebidragPaperForskningpeer review


Purpose: Digitalization is affecting all areas of economic activity. In the context of supply chain management, existing research is typically studying potentials for a focal company with an intra-organizational perspective. There is an inconsistent application of digitalization terminology and a holistic supply chain management perspective towards strategic potentials and challenges of digitalization is still missing. This paper contributes towards closing this gap by investigating the strategic opportunities and challenges of digitalization for a more network oriented supply chain management accordingly.
Design/methodology/approach: A literature review following the approach of Denyer and Tranfield was conducted, using the six databases EBSCOhost, ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, Emerald Insight, ACM Digital Library and Taylor & Francis Online. Additionally, expert interviews were conducted and their results have been qualitatively synthesized.
Findings: As a major result, the paper is providing a conceptual framework for the systematic view on strategic opportunities and challenges. The framework contains ten clusters covering a total of 36 strategic opportunities and challenges of digitalization for SCM.
Research limitations/implications: The research develops a framework based on literature and expert interviews which provides valuable insights into challenges and benefits associated with the digitalization in SCM. This provides a basis for further research and development of business and maturity models in the field.
Practical implications (if applicable): SCM practitioners get a comprehensive framework that gives them guidance for the strategic direction of their SCM.
Original/value: The strategic convergence of supply chain-oriented research and research on digitalization gives a so far unique overview on the dynamically evolving research field.
Antal sider18
StatusUdgivet - 2019
BegivenhedThe 31st NOFOMA Conference 2019: Annual Nordic Logistics Research Network Conference: Supply Chains and Sustainable Development of Societies - BI - campus Oslo, Oslo, Norge
Varighed: 12 jun. 201914 jun. 2019
Konferencens nummer: 31


KonferenceThe 31st NOFOMA Conference 2019
LokationBI - campus Oslo


  • Supply chain management
  • Digitalization
  • Strategic opportunities
  • Strategic challenges
  • Conceptual frame
