Detrimental Effects of Life Transitions on Dietary Health

Torben Hansen, Thyra Uth Thomsen

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Past research documents that life transitions trigger changes in lifestyles and consumption patterns. This is primarily attributed to changes in consumer identity, changes in household resources and situational challenges, i.e., stress. Notably, a key area of consumption that
changes during life transitions is diet composition. For example, unemployment can trigger a significant increase in the intake of animal-based foods, and consequently fat and protein, and in the longer run increase the intake of carbohydrates and added sugar. Another example shows that getting divorced puts men at a 23% higher risk of apoplexy than married men, single men (that have never been married), or women. This is partly attributed to their lack of dietary adaptation skills upon divorce. Also, research suggests that living with parents during university studies - rather than having your own bachelor household - can be associated with better eating habits and lower prevalence of overweight and obesity.
TidsskriftNyhedsbrevet om Forbrugeradfærd
Udgave nummer33
Sider (fra-til)9-11
Antal sider3
StatusUdgivet - 2020
