D6.9 Report on Cities-4-People Deployment Toolkit & Replication Guide

Isabel Froes, Julie Nygaard

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportRapportForskning


The 6.9 deliverable is a demonstrator, presenting the first round of the Cities-4-People (C4P) Deployment Toolkit & Replication Guide. The Toolkit & Replication guide entails both a project overall blueprint from project launch until the first round of pilot interventions, as well as an initial set of policy recommendations based on the pilots’ project learnings. These tools are presented online under: https://cities4people.eu/resources/tools-and-resources-forreplication/. The pilot cities were also requested to create initial blueprints for their scale-up phase, which are also displayed in this report and will, in combination with the project blueprint, be incorporated to the Mobility Kit of each pilot city towards the end of the project. The blueprints provide a baseline for future projects, making the project actions visible, furthermore, they help visualize and structure the project process, informing the steps and actions required to fulfill the project goals, thus becoming a guideline in how to execute related projects in other locations and cities. The policy recommendations, which emerge out of the project experience, also inform what steps and requirements can help cities towards using bottom-up approaches in large–scale urban development.
ForlagCities-4-People Consortium
Antal sider35
StatusUdgivet - sep. 2019
