Corporate Social Responsibility and Labor Agency: The Case of Nike in Pakistan

    Publikation: Working paperForskning

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    This article examines the circumstances under which CSR initiatives facilitate and/or constrain labor agency in GPNs. Using a case study of Nike’s CSR approach in the football manufacturing industry of Pakistan, we explore how the CSR measures advocated in a new, emerging policy paradigm on CSR in GPNs affect labor agency at Nike’s main football supplier factory in Pakistan. We argue that international companies may undermine labor agency in GPNs through their sourcing policies, but that their CSR policies could have a potential, albeit limited, positive impact on labor agency in GPNs which is significantly shaped by national-level contextual factors.
    UdgiverCopenhagen Business School [wp]
    Antal sider26
    ISBN (Trykt)9878792117280
    StatusUdgivet - 2013
    NavnWorking Paper


    • Labor Agency
    • Global Production Networks
    • Football Manufacturing
    • Parkistan
