Concentrated Ownership

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    This entry summarizes the main theoretical contributions and empirical findings in relation to concentrated ownership from a law and economics perspective. The various forms of concentrated ownership are described as well as analyzed from the perspective of the legal protection of investors, especially minority shareholders. Concentrated ownership is associated with benefits and costs. Concentrated ownership may reduce agency costs by increased monitoring of top management. However, concentrated ownership may also provide dominating owners with private benefits of control.
    TitelEncyclopedia of Law and Economics
    RedaktørerJürgen Backhaus
    Antal sider8
    UdgivelsesstedNew York
    ForlagSpringer Science+Business Media
    ISBN (Trykt)9781461478836 , 9781461477525
    ISBN (Elektronisk)9781461477549
    StatusUdgivet - 2014

    Bibliografisk note

    Published online 29 Sep 2014
