Company Analysis: Determining Strategic Capability

Per V. Jenster, David Hussey

    Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportBogForskning


    This volume looks at the company appraisal as a whole, examining the continuing need to appraise companies as part of the continuing strategy process. Building from a sound basis of theory, the text aims to be practical and to give guidance to senior managers and others involved in the strategy process. It is thus a book primarily aimed at managers, but should also be useful for MBA students undertaking strategy assignments It provides helpful, practical guidance and identifies weaknesses of traditional methods. It also presents a variety of tools which may be used in the appraisal process and provides real examples and checklists.
    Antal sider275
    ISBN (Trykt)0471494542, 9780471494546
    StatusUdgivet - 2001


    • Virksomhedsøkonomi
    • Markedsføring
    • Produktionsstyring
    • Teknologi
    • Udvikling
    • Human resource management
    • Virksomhedskultur
    • Virksomhedens informationsstyring
    • Virksomhedsstruktur
    • Kernekompetence
    • Virksomhedsanalyser
    • Brancheanalyser
    • financial performance
