Co-creation of IT Innovation, Implications for IT Innovation in India

    Publikation: Working paperForskning

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    In this paper it will be our endeavor to highlight some of the key insights from analysis of the 60companies we interviewed, (we refers to the five regional teams along with myself and my co-author). In our discussion of the findings we will present three case reports to enable us to draw some key insights from the cases. That we will use to answer the following questions: What is co-creation of IT innovation and how have Indian IT companies evolved in the application of this concept? How is co-creation different from collaboration and outsourcing?
    UdgiverDepartment of Informatics INF, Copenhagen Business School
    Antal sider20
    StatusUdgivet - 2010
    NavnWorking Paper / Institut for Informatik. Handelshøjskolen i København
