Co-creating Sustainable Urban Metabolism Towards Healthier Cities

Isabel Fróes*, Malene Køster Lasthein

*Corresponding author af dette arbejde

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Abstract In this article, we initially present and discuss the existing concepts covering sustainable and healthy cities, and urban metabolism infrastructure. The urban metabolism infrastructure distributes a wide range of key resources to citizens through various modes of transportation. Although the technical infrastructure and people in cities tend to be perceived as separate systems, they need to be acknowledged as co-dependent. Thus, co-creating urban metabolism and its infrastructure should be an integral part of developing a healthy city. We use mobility and transportation examples from the Cities-4-People project as a case to discuss the role of citizens and local stakeholders in co-creating solutions to improve their cities’ mobility through the urban metabolism and sustainability lens. Furthermore, we discuss the project process outcomes, leading to a set of guidelines towards achieving healthier cities.
TidsskriftUrban Transformations
Udgave nummer1
Antal sider19
StatusUdgivet - 2020


  • Urban metabolism
  • Healthy city
  • Urban infrastructure
  • Co-creation
  • Sustainable city
  • Urban prototyping
