Challenges with Concessions and Public-Private Partnerships within the EU and National Legal Regimes

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This chapter analyses some of the key points related to how concessions and public-private partnerships (PPPs) are treated in the various Member States covered by the national reports provided elsewhere in this book. It has two main lines of argument. The first is that Directive 2014/23/EU was not successful at achieving the harmonisation it was supposed to foster. The second is that PPP still does not have conceptual clarity and remains for the most part an umbrella term prone to mean different things in different jurisdictions. As such, what ends up happening is a blurring of the lines between concessions and PPPs, with the latter becoming essentially the complex long-term contracts which do not qualify as concessions.
TitelPublic-Private Partnerships and Concessions in the EU : An Unfinished Legislative Framework
RedaktørerPiotr Bogdanowicz, Roberto Caranta, Pedro Telles
Antal sider8
ForlagEdward Elgar Publishing
ISBN (Trykt)9781839105005
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781839105012
StatusUdgivet - 2020
NavnEuropean Procurement Law Series
