Challenges in Theorizing Interdisciplinarity at iSchools

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    The purpose of this paper is to discuss the challenges of designing a
    research framework to explore interdisciplinarity and its role in the theory
    building of the Information Field. In 2005, the iSchools, a crossinstitutional
    and cross-disciplinary initiative, created the term Information
    Field which the newly formed iSchools Caucus defined as: ”an academic
    field of study and a professional career field that deals with all the issues,
    opportunities, and challenges we face in our emerging Information Age.…
    The iField addresses this fundamental issue: how do we harness that
    incredible flow of information for the betterment of society, rather than get
    swamped by it?” The iSchools recognize that pressing problems of
    information access, use, storage, and exploitation in our world are beyond
    the purview of one single discipline, and they promote an interdisciplinary
    approach to understanding the opportunities and challenges of information
    management. However, discussions of what this interdisciplinary point of
    departure means in practice or for theory building are scarce, and to a
    limited extent, informed by the literature on Interdisciplinarity. This paper
    presents the first steps of a research design (a full-day workshop
    “Interdisciplinary Practices in iSchools”, and a survey) and discusses 1)
    how the next steps of the research may be designed to elicit fruitful
    empirical data on actual and emergent interdisciplinary practices in the
    Information Field and 2) how Interdisciplinary Studies may contribute to
    more informed and reflective practices in the Information Field?
    Antal sider1
    StatusUdgivet - 2014
    Begivenhed36 th Annual Meeting of the Association for Interdisciplinary Studies: Interdisciplinary Public Problems, the Global Community, and Diversity - Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA
    Varighed: 15 okt. 201419 okt. 2014
    Konferencens nummer: 36


    Konference36 th Annual Meeting of the Association for Interdisciplinary Studies
    LokationMichigan State University
    ByEast Lansing
