Business History in Germany: A Selection of Courses and Lecturers at German Universities

Sabine Küntzel, Christina Lubinski, Marvin Menniken

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til kompendium/lecture notes


Several individuals and institutions in Germany are engaged in business history
studies; however the institutional framework is markedly different from the United States. The following selection of courses taught in business history over the last five years shows that teaching took place primarily within departments of economic and social history. Only the universities of Bochum
and Cologne have departments explicitly named ― Economic and Business History.
The list includes thirty - one professors — six women and twenty - five men —
from twenty - five universities and provides information about their teaching and their major publications in business history. German - language course titles have been translated into English. Three topics emerge rep eatedly in the courses: 1) business in National Socialist Germany, 2) the car industry, and 3) comparisons of the German with the Anglo - American business landscape. While syllabi are usually not used in German business history courses, the list includes so me monographs suitable for teaching which are highlighted in bold. The compilation is meant to give an overview of business history taught in Germany; it does not claim to be extensive.
TitelTeaching Business History : Insights and Debates: Papers Delivered at Harvard Business School
RedaktørerWalter A. Friedman, Geoffrey Jones
ForlagHarvard Business School Press
StatusUdgivet - 2012
Udgivet eksterntJa
