Blockchain Technology and Supply Chain Performance

Kim Sundtoft Hald, Lorenzo Russo

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review


Purpose: The purpose of this research is to explore how the use of blockchain technology in supply chains may be understood to affect supply chain performance. Design/methodology/approach: A combined structured literature review method and a theory driven approach is used. A theoretical model and a set of 17 propositions are developed, suggesting how the use of blockchain technology in supply chains may be understood to enable or constrain supply chain management and performance. Findings: Because of its relation to supply chain visibility and traceability, blockchain technology, as portrayed in the sparse academic literature as well as the wider trade literature, is found to be able to affect almost every aspect of supply chain performance. However effects are found to be conditioned. In addition a set of potential cohesive effects of blockchain technology on supply chain management are highlighted. Research limitations/implications (if applicable): One important limitation of the present study is caused by the very early stage of this new potentially disruptive technology. Very few examples of the technology are implemented, and therefore effects are often anecdotal or at best well substantiated forecasts. We urge future research to test the theoretical model and the 17 propositions developed here empirically. Practical implications (if applicable): Based on findings presented in this paper practitioners should better understand the potential enabling and constraining effects of implementing blockchain technology in the supply chain. Original/value: The paper presents an important early academic contribution to a field dominated by narratives and promises made by consultants.
Titel30th Annual NOFOMA Conference : Relevant Logistics and Supply Chain Management Research
RedaktørerJan Stentoft
Antal sider16
ForlagSyddansk Universitet. Institut for Entreprenørskab og Relationsledelse
ISBN (Trykt)9788791070938
StatusUdgivet - 2018
BegivenhedThe 30th NOFOMA Conference 2018: Annual Nordic Logistics Research Network Conference - SDU - University of Southern Denmark, Kolding, Danmark
Varighed: 13 jun. 201815 jun. 2018
Konferencens nummer: 30


KonferenceThe 30th NOFOMA Conference 2018
LokationSDU - University of Southern Denmark


  • Blockchain technology
  • Distributed computing
  • Supply chain performance
  • Supply chain management
  • Enabling and constraining effects
