
Recent multidisciplinary work between organization and management studies and social semiotics has been mutually beneficial. It has enhanced the interest in multimodal communication in organization and management studies and extended the understanding of how meaning is constituted, communicated, changed, and stored in and across organizations. It has also advanced the emphasis on the social in social semiotics, through an engagement with issues that are central in organization and management studies and, hence, in contemporary society as a whole, such as innovation, identity, and the legitimation of organizations and their activities and, more generally, with the increasing formalisation of many areas of social life.
TitelOrganizational Semiotics : Multimodal Perspectives on Organization Studies
RedaktørerLouise Ravelli, Theo van Leeuwen, Markus A. Höllerer, Dennis Jancsary
Antal sider9
UdgivelsesstedNew York
ISBN (Trykt)9780367504557, 9781032469720
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781003049920 , 9781000865738
StatusUdgivet - 2023
NavnRoutledge Studies in Multimodality
