Aesthetic Communication

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    Based on Niklas Luhmann's systems theory, aesthetics is defined as a manner of reinforcing the connectivity, or Anschlusswert, of communication. Without changing the content, a message can be
    made more attractive, strengthening the receiver's willingness to be attentive and accepting. As communication inevitably makes use of a sensuous medium, such as light or sound, all communication has an aesthetic dimension. In the 19th Century, an important distinction was made between pure and applied art, following Immanuel Kant's separation of theory of knowledge, moral theory and aesthetic theory. Whereas pure art is produced in order to be observed, applied art has to fulfill practical purposes as well. Modern organizations, defined as systems of communication, may use art works to embellish and define themselves. But they inevitably use applied art as a practical tool in their normal communication. This is shown in six domains: name, rhetoric, narrative, advertising, design and architecture.
    TidsskriftOnline International Journal of Arts and Humanities
    Udgave nummer4
    Sider (fra-til)51-58
    StatusUdgivet - sep. 2012


    • Communication, aesthetic experience
    • Architecture
    • DESIGN
    • advertising
    • narrative
    • rhetoric
    • name
    • pure and applied art
