Achieving Energy Efficient Ship Operations Under Third Party Management: How Do Ship Management Models Influence Energy Efficiency?

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    Profitable energy saving measures are often not fully implemented in shipping, causing energy efficiency gaps. The paper identifies energy efficiency gaps in ship operations, and explores their causes. Lack of information on energy efficiency, lack of energy training at sea and onshore and lack of time to produce and provide reliable energy efficiency information cause energy efficiency gaps. The paper brings together the energy efficiency and ship management literatures, demonstrating how ship management models influence energy efficiency in ship operations. Achieving energy efficiency in ship operations is particularly challenging under third party ship management. Finally, the paper discusses management implications for shipping companies, which outsource ship management to third parties.
    TidsskriftResearch in Transportation Business & Management
    Sider (fra-til)41-52
    Antal sider12
    StatusUdgivet - dec. 2015


    • Energy efficiency gaps
    • Energy efficiency barriers
    • Imperfect information
    • Ship management
    • Outsourcing
    • Crewing
