A 2020 Perspective on “From Buzz to Bucks: The Impact of Social Media Opinions on the Locus of Innovation”: From Surfaces to Essences

Wenping Zhang, Lele Kang, Qiqi Jiang, Lei Pei

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftKommentar/debatForskningpeer review


Social media is believed as a privileged vehicle affording numerous ideas with multi-faceted insights from the crowds. In addition to the entertainment resource, social media, user-generated content (UGC) there, can also empower ideation and commercialization of innovation. We have proposed a novel approach to explore the pivotal role of social media in shaping corporation innovation performance in our article in 2018. In this commentary, we extend the literature review with more recent insights and identify the new possible directions to further inspire future research. Specifically, understanding the linkage between social media and organization innovation can be enriched via advancing deep learning methods, improving multi-modal data analysis, and fostering digital innovation.
TidsskriftElectronic Commerce Research and Applications
Udgave nummerMarch–April
Antal sider2
StatusUdgivet - 2020

Bibliografisk note

Published online: 28. February 2020


  • Social media
  • Organization innovation
  • Machine learning
  • Text mining
  • Empirical Analysis
