3PL Services in City Logistics: A User's Perspective

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The purpose of this paper is 1) to develop an overview of activities and services that can add value for users and consignees in city logistics schemes based on Urban Consolidation Centre, and 2) to understand and analyze the perceived value for users and consignees from using such services.

The paper will be based on studies of the city logistics literature and existing city logistics schemes, as well as survey and interview findings from studies of potential users (retailers) in Copenhagen inner city and interviews with existing users (retailers) of existing city logistics services in the cities of Maastricht, Netherlands, and Hasselt, Belgium.

The paper provides an overview and classification of possible third party logistics services in city logistics schemes. Also, findings about value perceived by current users as well as potential users are presented.

Literature on city logistics has implicitly relied mostly on given distribution patterns and has only rarely touched upon services beyond the distribution activities, nor has existing literature dealt systematically with the users´ perspective. This paper addresses these issues and argues for further work following this research path.

The overview and first results presented in this paper will provide input and direction for launching a city logistics project in Copenhagen inner city. Users of city logistics are important problem owners and therefore important drivers for the success of such projects (van Rooijen and Quak, 2008).

The paper provides an argument and analysis of value for users only sparsely dealt with in previous literature, and an overview from which practical launch of 3PL services in city logistics can take place.
TitelProceedings of the 24th Annual Nordic Logics Research Network Conference : NOFOMA 2012
RedaktørerJuuso Töyli, Laura Johansson, Harri Lorentz, Lauri Ojala, Sini Laari
ForlagTurku School of Economics and Business Administration
StatusUdgivet - 2012
BegivenhedThe 24th NOFOMA Conference 2012: Annual Nordic Logistics Research Network Conference - Turku School of Economics, Turku, Finland
Varighed: 7 jun. 20128 jun. 2012
Konferencens nummer: 24


KonferenceThe 24th NOFOMA Conference 2012
LokationTurku School of Economics


  • City Logistics
  • City distribution
  • Third party logistics
  • Urban Consolidation Centre
