What Dead-and-Dying Platforms do for Internet Studies: Situation Technological Failure, Digital Afterlife, and the Web that was

  • Muira McCammon (Paneldeltager)
  • Lotus Ruan (Paneldeltager)
  • Kate Miltner (Paneldeltager)
  • Ysabel Gerrard (Paneldeltager)
  • Kathryn Montalbano (Paneldeltager)
  • Karolina Mikołajewska-Zając (Foredragsholder)
  • Marton, A. (Foredragsholder)

Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentationForedrag og mundtlige bidrag

Periode13 okt. 202116 okt. 2021
BegivenhedstitelAoIR2021 Independence: The 22nd annual conference of the Association of Internet Researchers
PlaceringWWWVis på kort