The Changing Nature of Work in the Age of Smart Digital Technology

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The worldwide diffusion of personal computing and the rapid growth of access to the internet combined with advances in digital technologies are changing the established work arrangements and the in-situ nature of work. Recent research shows paradoxically how advances in information technology (IT) have paved the way for both significant improvements as well as the deterioration of work conditions and workers’ well-being. In this talk, I will explore how IT alters the foundation of the work environment that is central to the modern human enterprise. More specifically, I will reflect on insights from my own research and offer a critical perspective on the current state of knowledge, theorizing, and empirical investigation of how digital technologies change the ways in which work is defined, organized, performed, and managed. I will conclude the talk by highlighting how advances in IT can contribute to a future in which work is meaningful and enriching to individuals, organizations, and society.

Tiltrædelsesforelæsning som professor MSO på CBS.
Periode8 nov. 2016
Sted for afholdelseInstitut for Digitalisering
Grad af anerkendelseLokal