The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2018

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangering af en begivenhedOrganisation og deltagelse i konference


PDW Workshop: A Multi-Divisional Perspective on What’s Next in International Migration and Displacement Research: Migration and Displacement
Globalization, climate change, and wars have created record-high numbers of migrants across the globe. These progressively complex migration and displacement patterns confront organizational scholars with numerous questions and challenges, which this multi- divisional workshop seeks to explore in order to identify future themes in research on (labor) migration and displacement. A diverse panel of international scholars will debate questions that include key similarities, differences, and synergies between research on “migrants” and “refugees”. Here, the discussion will seek to focus on the following critical aspects of this type of research: The challenges of doing migrant and refugee research with relevance to management, the role of sociopolitical context, methodological and levels of analysis issues, and intersectionality between migrant status and other identity markers such as religion, ethnicity/race, class, language, and gender. Following a panel debate, roundtable discussions centered on key themes with an international and global scope will allow for an in-depth dialogue between the audience and participating panelists. Thereby, the workshop will facilitate multi- way perspective-taking by encouraging a conversation and an exchange among participants from various divisions and disciplines, bringing together diverse perspectives and methods on migrant and refugee research. We will draw key lessons and seek to continue the debate on these topics by inviting the participants to join a collaborative group online. The PDW bridges the discussion between scholars in international management, social issues and business ethics, critical management, and diversity and inclusion, among others, fostering a multi-divisional integration of how to understand and address one of today’s grand challenges.
Periode11 aug. 2018
ArrangørAcademy of Management
PlaceringChicago, USA, IllinoisVis på kort
Grad af anerkendelseInternational