Change Agents for DEI in and Around Organizations

  • Villesèche, F. (Mødeindkalder/paneldeltager)
  • Elena Doldor (Mødeindkalder/paneldeltager)
  • Maria Adamson (Mødeindkalder/paneldeltager)
  • Stephanie J. Creary (Paneldeltager)
  • Maureen A. Scully (Paneldeltager)
  • Cathrine Seierstad (Paneldeltager)
  • Demeyére, C. (Paneldeltager)
  • Elina Meliou (Andet)
  • Shoshana Schwartz (Andet)
  • Caren Goldberg (Andet)
  • Denise Dziwak (Andet)
  • Radha Rani Sharma (Andet)
  • Anica Zeyen (Andet)
  • Isabel Metz (Andet)
  • Samantha Deane (Andet)
  • Paunova, M. M. (Andet)
  • Janice Yue-Yan Lam (Andet)
  • Sumita Datta (Andet)
  • Serena Sohrab (Andet)
  • Antoniazzi, F. (Andet)
  • Lynn Sitanimezi (Andet)

Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentationForedrag og mundtlige bidrag


PDW Workshop.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) work is often viewed as work conducted within organizations through policies, processes and practices designed and administered by various actors like DEI officers, Chief Diversity Officers, and HR-DEI leads. While internal organizational efforts by people with DEI in their job title or as part of their job description remain crucial, recent research increasingly shows that furthering DEI efforts also relies on a broader range of change agents who spearhead these initiatives, both in and around organizations. Such change agents can be external DEI consultants, role models, activist groups and social movements, but also include those within organizations without formal responsibilities for DEI, like allies and sponsors. In this PDW, a panel will begin this conversation by taking a closer look at these more ‘unusual suspects’ who shape DEI work in and around organizations, understanding who they are and what they do to help change the workplace for the better. Following the panel, all participants will have a chance to debate these actors’ roles further in roundtable discussions. This would enable us to foster collaborations and develop a research agenda regarding how the efforts of DEI change agents in and around organizations intersect, combine or have conflicting interests or priorities.
Periode9 aug. 2024
BegivenhedstitelThe Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2024: Innovating for the Future: Policy, Purpose, and Organizations
PlaceringChicago, USA, IllinoisVis på kort
Grad af anerkendelseInternational